When it comes to beauty, we don’t know what it actually means. If asked why do you consider someone beautiful, you might not know to put your finger on it. Of course you can say you like someone’s eyes or lips or any other features, but until you look at someone and like the whole being, you can’t say it’s really beautiful. It has to resemble with your own images and expectations of an ideal to be perceived as such,…
Never been a fan of body products, I regularly use nothing but soap or a basic shower gel, kind of avoiding any complicated routine (I have enough with my hair :D), but whenever I…
Afordable products that have good quality are not that easy to find, so I decided to post and share with you, anytime I find stuff that I like. Here’s my list: Balea Ultra Sensitive…
Brows are maybe that one element on your face that defines your expression, emphasizes your bone structure and brings balance to all your features. The fuller they are, the younger you look. Yep, totally.…
In the last couple of years the make-up game has changed a lot due to improved textures and new formulations, but one of the products that has undergone a great transformation is the highlighter.…